本文首发于 2016-01-14 19:55:08
本文介绍如何在 CentOS/RedHat、Ubuntu/Debian 下通过安装包方式和源码方式安装配置 GreenPlum 集群。
1. 安装步骤 1.1. 规划 1 个主 master 2 个主 segment、2 个镜像 segment 1 个备 master 2 个主 segment、2 个镜像 segment
注意: 如无特殊说明,本文后续步骤需要在 h93 和 h94 都执行。
1.2. 安装依赖 按如下方式在在 h93 和 h94 安装依赖。
对于 Ubuntu/Debian:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 apt-get install -y git-core apt-get install -y gcc g++ apt-get install -y ccache apt-get install -y libreadline-dev apt-get install -y bison flex apt-get install -y zlib1g-dev apt-get install -y openssl libssl-dev apt-get install -y libpam-dev apt-get install -y libcurl4-dev apt-get install -y libbz2-dev apt-get install -y python-dev apt-get install -y ssh apt-get install -y libcurl4-dev Package libcurl4-dev is a virtual package provided by: libcurl4-openssl-dev 7.38.0-4+deb8u2 libcurl4-nss-dev 7.38.0-4+deb8u2 libcurl4-gnutls-dev 7.38.0-4+deb8u2 apt-get install -y python-pip pip install lockfile pip install paramiko pip install setuptools pip install epydoc pip install psi Note: debian8 required pip install --pre psi
对于 CentOS:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 yum install –y git.x86_64 yum install –y gcc.x86_64 gcc-c++.x86_64 yum install –y ccache.x86_64 yum install readline.x86_64 readline-devel.x86_64 yum install bison.x86_64 bison-devel.x86_64 yum install flex.x86_64 flex-devel.x86_64 yum install zlib.x86_64 zlib-devel.x86_64 yum install -y openssl.x86_64 openssl-devel.x86_64 yum install -y pam.x86_64 pam-devel.x86_64 yum install –y libcurl.x86_64 libcurl-devel.x86_64 yum install bzip2-libs.x86_64 bzip2.x86_64 bzip2-devel.x86_64 yum install libssh2.x86_64 libssh2-devel.x86_64 yum install python-devel.x86_64 yum install -y python-pip.noarch pip install lockfile pip install paramiko pip install setuptools pip install epydoc pip install psi yum install python-lockfile.noarch yum install python-PSI.x86_64 yum install python-paramiko.noarch yum install python-setuptools.noarch yum install epydoc.noarch
1.3. 安装包方式安装
1 unzip greenplum-db-
1 2 $ ./greenplum-db- 安装路径选择 /home/wslu/gp/gpsql
1.4. 源码安装 1.4.1. 克隆源码 1 2 3 $ mkdir /home/wslu/gp/greenplum $ cd /home/wslu/gp/greenplum $ git clone https://github.com/greenplum-db/gpdb.
1.4.2. 编译安装 1 2 3 4 $ cd /home/wslu/gp/greenplum $ CFLAGS+="-O2" ./configure--prefix=/home/wslu/gp/gpsql --enable-debug --enable-depend --enable-cassert $ make $ make install
安装时如果遇到某些 python 包(lockfile、 paramiko、PSI 等)找不到,可以参考 HAWQ 项目,将 <hawq_src>/tools/bin/pythonSrc/
中,然后再 make install
1.5. 设置参数 1.5.1. 设置操作系统参数
加速 SSH 连接:
1 2 sudo sed -i 's/^GSS/#&/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config service sshd restart
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 sysctl -p - >>/etc/sysctl.conf <<EOF # configurations kernel.sysrq=1 kernel.core_pattern=core kernel.core_uses_pid=1 kernel.msgmnb=65536 kernel.msgmax=65536 kernel.msgmni=2048 kernel.sem=25600 3200000 10000 14200 net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=1 net.ipv4.ip_forward=0 net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route=0 net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle=1 net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=4096 net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_filter=1 net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range=1025 65535 net.core.netdev_max_backlog=10000 net.core.rmem_max=2097152 net.core.wmem_max=2097152 vm.overcommit_memory=1 EOF
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 kernel.shmmax = 500000000 kernel.shmmni = 4096 kernel.shmall = 4000000000 kernel.sem = 250 512000 100 2048 kernel.sysrq = 1 kernel.core_uses_pid = 1 kernel.msgmnb = 65536 kernel.msgmax = 65536 kernel.msgmni = 2048 net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1 net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0 net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0 net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1 net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 4096 net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_filter = 1 net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1025 65535 net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 10000 net.core.rmem_max = 2097152 net.core.wmem_max = 2097152 vm.overcommit_memory = 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cat >>/etc/security/limits.d/greenplum.conf <<EOF # GreenPlum configurations * soft nofile 65536 * hard nofile 65536 * soft nproc 131072 * hard nproc 131072 EOF
1.5.2. 设置数据库相关参数 GUC 参数设置示例(需要根据机器配置调整):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 work_mem =1 GBshared_buffers =2 GBmax_connections =500 max_pool_size =2000 enable_mergejoin =off enable_nestloop =off max_prepared_transactions =50 autovacuum =off interconnect_setup_timeout =1200
1.6. demo 集群
提示: 如果不想用 demo 集群,可以直接跳过本小节。
安装完成后,可以使用如下指令创建 demo 集群(在本机创建包含 3 个 segment,3 个 segment-mirror,1 个 master 的集群):
1 2 3 4 5 6 $ cd /home/wslu/gp/gpsql $ source greenplum_path.sh $ gpssh-exkeys –h localhost $ cd gpAux/gpdemo $ make cluster $ source gpdemo-env.sh
1.7. 设置环境变量 1 2 $ source gpsql/greenplum_path.sh $ export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=/home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/master/gpseg-1
1.8. 交换 SSH 密钥 1 2 gpssh-exkeys –h h93 gpssh-exkeys –h h94
1.9. 初始化集群
在 h93 和 h94 执行下述指令,以创建数据目录:
1 $ mkdir gpsql/data/primary gpsql/data/mirror gpsql/data/master –p
在 h93 创建配置文件 configs/gpinitsystem_config
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ARRAY_NAME="EMC Greenplum DW" SEG_PREFIX=gpseg PORT_BASE=40000 declare -a DATA_DIRECTORY=(/home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/primary /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/primary)MASTER_HOSTNAME=h93 MASTER_DIRECTORY=/home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/master MASTER_PORT=5432 TRUSTED_SHELL=ssh CHECK_POINT_SEGMENTS=8 ENCODING=UNICODE MIRROR_PORT_BASE=50000 REPLICATION_PORT_BASE=41000 MIRROR_REPLICATION_PORT_BASE=51000 declare -a MIRROR_DATA_DIRECTORY=(/home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/mirror /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/mirror)
注意 :configs 目录是我自己创建的、便于保存自定义配置文件的目录。该步骤的目的是创建一个初始化时要用的配置文件,并没有路径的要求。
在 h93 创建配置文件 configs/hostfile_gpinitsystem
注意 :configs 目录是我自己创建的、便于保存自定义配置文件的目录。该步骤的目的是创建一个初始化时要用的配置文件,并没有路径的要求。
在 h93 执行下述指令初始化集群:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 [wslu@h93 gpsql]$ gpinitsystem -c configs/gpinitsystem_config -h configs/hostfile_gpinitsystem –a 20160114 :14 :30 :03 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Checking configuration parameters, please wait ...20160114 :14 :30 :03 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Reading Greenplum configuration file configs/gpinitsystem_config20160114 :14 :30 :03 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Locale has not been set in configs/gpinitsystem_config, will set to default value20160114 :14 :30 :03 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Locale set to en_US.utf8 20160114 :14 :30 :03 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-No DATABASE_NAME set, will exit following template1 updates20160114 :14 :30 :03 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-MASTER_MAX_CONNECT not set, will set to default value 250 20160114 :14 :30 :03 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Checking configuration parameters, Completed20160114 :14 :30 :04 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Commencing multi-home checks, please wait ..... 20160114 :14 :30 :05 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Configuring build for standard array20160114 :14 :30 :05 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Commencing multi-home checks, Completed20160114 :14 :30 :05 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Building primary segment instance array, please wait ....... 20160114 :14 :30 :08 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Building group mirror array type , please wait ....... 20160114 :14 :30 :12 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Checking Master host20160114 :14 :30 :12 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Checking new segment hosts, please wait ........... 20160114 :14 :30 :28 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Checking new segment hosts, Completed20160114 :14 :30 :28 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Greenplum Database Creation Parameters20160114 :14 :30 :28 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:---------------------------------------20160114 :14 :30 :28 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Master Configuration20160114 :14 :30 :28 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:---------------------------------------20160114 :14 :30 :28 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Master instance name = EMC Greenplum DW20160114 :14 :30 :28 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Master hostname = h9320160114 :14 :30 :28 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Master port = 5432 20160114 :14 :30 :28 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Master instance dir = /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/master/gpseg-1 20160114 :14 :30 :28 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Master LOCALE = en_US.utf8 20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Greenplum segment prefix = gpseg20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Master Database =20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Master connections = 250 20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Master buffers = 128000 kB20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Segment connections = 750 20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Segment buffers = 128000 kB20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Checkpoint segments = 8 20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Encoding = UNICODE20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Postgres param file = Off20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Initdb to be used = /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/bin/initdb20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-GP_LIBRARY_PATH is = /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/lib20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Ulimit check = Passed20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Array host connect type = Single hostname per node20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Master IP address [1 ] = ::1 20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Master IP address [2 ] = 192 .168 .4 .93 20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Master IP address [3 ] = fe80::225 :90 ff:fe3b:86 c220160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Standby Master = Not Configured20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Primary segment # = 2 20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Total Database segments = 4 20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Trusted shell = ssh20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Number segment hosts = 2 20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Mirror port base = 50000 20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Replicaton port base = 41000 20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Mirror replicaton port base= 51000 20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Mirror segment # = 2 20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Mirroring config = ON20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Mirroring type = Group20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:----------------------------------------20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Greenplum Primary Segment Configuration20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:----------------------------------------20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-h93 /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/primary/gpseg0 40000 2 0 41000 20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-h93 /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/primary/gpseg1 40001 3 1 41001 20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-h94 /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/primary/gpseg2 40000 4 2 41000 20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-h94 /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/primary/gpseg3 40001 5 3 41001 20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:---------------------------------------20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Greenplum Mirror Segment Configuration20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:---------------------------------------20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-h94 /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/mirror/gpseg0 50000 6 0 51000 20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-h94 /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/mirror/gpseg1 50001 7 1 51001 20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-h93 /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/mirror/gpseg2 50000 8 2 51000 20160114 :14 :30 :29 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-h93 /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/mirror/gpseg3 50001 9 3 51001 Continue with Greenplum creation Yy/Nn> y 20160114 :14 :30 :32 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Building the Master instance database, please wait ...20160114 :14 :31 :08 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Starting the Master in admin mode20160114 :14 :32 :01 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Commencing parallel build of primary segment instances20160114 :14 :32 :01 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Spawning parallel processes batch [1 ], please wait ....... 20160114 :14 :32 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Waiting for parallel processes batch [1 ], please wait .............................................................. 20160114 :14 :33 :01 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------20160114 :14 :33 :01 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Parallel process exit status20160114 :14 :33 :01 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------20160114 :14 :33 :01 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Total processes marked as completed = 4 20160114 :14 :33 :01 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Total processes marked as killed = 0 20160114 :14 :33 :01 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Total processes marked as failed = 0 20160114 :14 :33 :01 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------20160114 :14 :33 :01 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Commencing parallel build of mirror segment instances20160114 :14 :33 :01 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Spawning parallel processes batch [1 ], please wait ....... 20160114 :14 :33 :01 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Waiting for parallel processes batch [1 ], please wait ............................................ 20160114 :14 :33 :43 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------20160114 :14 :33 :43 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Parallel process exit status20160114 :14 :33 :43 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------20160114 :14 :33 :43 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Total processes marked as completed = 4 20160114 :14 :33 :43 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Total processes marked as killed = 0 20160114 :14 :33 :43 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Total processes marked as failed = 0 20160114 :14 :33 :43 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------20160114 :14 :33 :43 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Deleting distributed backout files20160114 :14 :33 :43 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Removing back out file20160114 :14 :33 :43 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-No errors generated from parallel processes20160114 :14 :33 :43 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Restarting the Greenplum instance in production mode20160114 :14 :33 :43 :001932 gpstop:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Starting gpstop with args: -a -i -m -d /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/master/gpseg-1 20160114 :14 :33 :43 :001932 gpstop:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Gathering information and validating the environment...20160114 :14 :33 :43 :001932 gpstop:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Obtaining Greenplum Master catalog information20160114 :14 :33 :43 :001932 gpstop:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Obtaining Segment details from master...20160114 :14 :33 :43 :001932 gpstop:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Greenplum Version: 'postgres (Greenplum Database) 4 .3 .99 .00 build dev'20160114 :14 :33 :43 :001932 gpstop:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-There are 0 connections to the database20160114 :14 :33 :43 :001932 gpstop:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Commencing Master instance shutdown with mode='immediate'20160114 :14 :33 :43 :001932 gpstop:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Master host=h9320160114 :14 :33 :43 :001932 gpstop:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Commencing Master instance shutdown with mode=immediate20160114 :14 :33 :43 :001932 gpstop:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Master segment instance directory=/home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/master/gpseg-1 20160114 :14 :33 :44 :001932 gpstop:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Attempting forceful termination of any leftover master process20160114 :14 :33 :44 :001932 gpstop:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Terminating processes for segment /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/master/gpseg-1 20160114 :14 :33 :45 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Starting gpstart with args: -a -d /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/master/gpseg-1 20160114 :14 :33 :45 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Gathering information and validating the environment...20160114 :14 :33 :45 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Greenplum Binary Version: 'postgres (Greenplum Database) 4 .3 .99 .00 build dev'20160114 :14 :33 :45 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Greenplum Catalog Version: '300701081 '20160114 :14 :33 :45 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Starting Master instance in admin mode20160114 :14 :33 :46 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Obtaining Greenplum Master catalog information20160114 :14 :33 :46 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Obtaining Segment details from master...20160114 :14 :33 :46 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Setting new master era20160114 :14 :33 :46 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Master Started...20160114 :14 :33 :46 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Shutting down master20160114 :14 :33 :47 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Commencing parallel primary and mirror segment instance startup, please wait ........... 20160114 :14 :33 :55 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Process results...20160114 :14 :33 :55 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-----------------------------------------------------20160114 :14 :33 :55 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:- Successful segment starts = 8 20160114 :14 :33 :55 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:- Failed segment starts = 0 20160114 :14 :33 :55 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:- Skipped segment starts (segments are marked down in configuration) = 0 20160114 :14 :33 :55 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-----------------------------------------------------20160114 :14 :33 :55 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-20160114 :14 :33 :55 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Successfully started 8 of 8 segment instances20160114 :14 :33 :55 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-----------------------------------------------------20160114 :14 :33 :55 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Starting Master instance h93 directory /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/master/gpseg-1 20160114 :14 :33 :56 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Command pg_ctl reports Master h93 instance active20160114 :14 :33 :56 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-No standby master configured. skipping...20160114 :14 :33 :56 :002019 gpstart:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Database successfully started20160114 :14 :33 :59 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Completed restart of Greenplum instance in production mode20160114 :14 :33 :59 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Loading gp_toolkit...20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Scanning utility log file for any warning messages20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Log file scan check passed20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Greenplum Database instance successfully created20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-------------------------------------------------------20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-To complete the environment configuration, please20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-update wslu .bashrc file with the following20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-1 . Ensure that the greenplum_path.sh file is sourced20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-2 . Add "export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=/home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/master/gpseg-1" 20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:- to access the Greenplum scripts for this instance :20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:- or , use -d /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/master/gpseg-1 option for the Greenplum scripts20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:- Example gpstate -d /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/master/gpseg-1 20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Script log file = /home/wslu/gpAdminLogs/gpinitsystem_20160114.log 20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-To remove instance , run gpdeletesystem utility20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-To initialize a Standby Master Segment for this Greenplum instance 20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Review options for gpinitstandby20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-------------------------------------------------------20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-The Master /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/master/gpseg-1 /pg_hba.conf post gpinitsystem20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-has been configured to allow all hosts within this new 20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-array to intercommunicate. Any hosts external to this 20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-new array must be explicitly added to this file20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Refer to the Greenplum Admin support guide which is20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-located in the /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/docs directory20160114 :14 :34 :02 :005980 gpinitsystem:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-------------------------------------------------------
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 [wslu@h93 gpsql]$ ls data master mirror primary [wslu@h93 gpsql]$ ls data/master/ gpseg-1 [wslu@h93 gpsql]$ ls data/mirror/ gpseg2 gpseg3 [wslu@h93 gpsql]$ ls data/primary/ gpseg0 gpseg1 [wslu@h93 gpsql]$ [wslu@h94 gpsql]$ ls data/ master mirror primary [wslu@h94 gpsql]$ ls data/master/ [wslu@h94 gpsql]$ ls data/primary/ gpseg2 gpseg3 [wslu@h94 gpsql]$ ls data/mirror/ gpseg0 gpseg1 [wslu@h94 gpsql]$
在 h94 初始化备 master(主备 master 必须在不同主机,如果要配置单机多节点,则不能配置备 master。这是因为目前主备 master 必须在相同目录,所以必然不同主机。如果端口不是 5432,那么需要指定 PGPORT):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 [wslu@h93 gpsql]$ PGPORT=5432 PGDATABASE=postgres gpinitstandby -s h94 20160114 :14 :40 :47 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Validating environment and parameters for standby initialization...20160114 :14 :40 :47 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Checking for filespace directory /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/master/gpseg-1 on h9420160114 :14 :40 :47 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------------20160114 :14 :40 :47 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Greenplum standby master initialization parameters20160114 :14 :40 :47 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------------20160114 :14 :40 :47 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Greenplum master hostname = h9320160114 :14 :40 :47 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Greenplum master data directory = /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/master/gpseg-1 20160114 :14 :40 :47 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Greenplum master port = 5432 20160114 :14 :40 :47 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Greenplum standby master hostname = h9420160114 :14 :40 :47 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Greenplum standby master port = 5432 20160114 :14 :40 :47 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Greenplum standby master data directory = /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/master/gpseg-1 20160114 :14 :40 :47 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Greenplum update system catalog = On20160114 :14 :40 :47 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------------20160114 :14 :40 :47 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:- Filespace locations20160114 :14 :40 :47 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------------20160114 :14 :40 :47 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-pg_system -> /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/master/gpseg-1 Do you want to continue with standby master initialization? Yy|Nn (default =N): > y 20160114 :14 :40 :53 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Syncing Greenplum Database extensions to standby20160114 :14 :40 :53 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-The packages on h94 are consistent.20160114 :14 :40 :53 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Adding standby master to catalog...20160114 :14 :40 :53 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Database catalog updated successfully.20160114 :14 :40 :54 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Updating pg_hba.conf file...20160114 :14 :41 :00 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-pg_hba.conf files updated successfully.20160114 :14 :41 :09 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Updating filespace flat files...20160114 :14 :41 :09 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Filespace flat file updated successfully.20160114 :14 :41 :10 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Starting standby master20160114 :14 :41 :10 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Checking if standby master is running on host: h94 in directory: /home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/master/gpseg-1 20160114 :14 :41 :11 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Cleaning up pg_hba.conf backup files...20160114 :14 :41 :17 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Backup files of pg_hba.conf cleaned up successfully.20160114 :14 :41 :17 :003933 gpinitstandby:h93:wslu-[INFO]:-Successfully created standby master on h94
此时,h94 的 data/master 目录就不为空了:
1 2 $ [wslu@h94 gpsql]$ ls data/master/ gpseg-1
1.10. 测试 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 [wslu@h93 gpsql]$ psql - p 5432 postgres psql (8.3 devel) Type "help" for help. postgres= # postgres= # postgres= # \db List of tablespaces Name | Owner | Filespae Name pg_default | wslu | pg_system pg_global | wslu | pg_system (2 rows )
1.11. 补充:如何将所有节点部署在一台主机? 如果要将所有节点配置在一台主机,比如:在 h93 配置 2 个主 segment、2 个镜像 segment、1 个 master,只需要把hostfile_config
中的 h94 删掉,然后在 h93 删除 data/primary,data/mirror,data/master
2. GreenPlum 常用指令 说明: 每次使用集群的任何指令前,必须执行:
1 2 $ source greenplum-path.sh $ exportMASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=/home/wslu/gp/gpsql/data/master/gpseg-1
2.1. 启动集群 手动启动集群:
2.2. 停止集群
2.3. 重启集群
2.4. 查看集群状态
2.5. reload 配置文件 在不停止集群情况下,若配置文件发生变更,reload 配置文件:
2.6. 维护模式下启动 master 仅仅启动 master 来执行维护管理任务,不会影响 segment 中的数据。例如,在维护模式下你可以仅连接 master 实例的数据库并且编辑系统表设置。
以维护模式启动 master:
维护模式下连接 master 来维护系统表。例如:
1 $ PGOPTIONS='-c gp_session_role=utility' psql template1
完成管理任务后,使 master 关闭工具模式。然后,重启进入正常模式:
2.7. 访问数据库 可以使用 psql 连接集群:
1 2 3 4 5 [wslu@h93 gpsql]$ psql - p 5432 postgres psql (8.3 devel) Type "help" for help. postgres= #
2.8. GUC 参数配置 使用 gpconfig 设置 guc 参数:
1 $ gpconfig -c gp_vmem_protect_limit -v4096MB
gpconfig 可以设置 master 和所有 segment 的 guc 参数,也可以使用 --masteronly
参数只设置 master 的参数。设置完 guc 参数后需要根据 guc 参数类型决定重启集群或 reload 配置文件。
显示 guc 参数:
1 2 $ psql –c ‘showstatement_mem;’ 或 gpconfig –show statement_mem $ psql –c ‘show all;’ 或 gpconfig –l